430. 扁平化多级双向链表
430. 扁平化多级双向链表
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方案一: Dfs
var flatten = function(head) {
const dfs = (node) => {
let cur = node;
// 记录链表的最后一个节点
let last = null;
while (cur) {
let next = cur.next;
// 如果有子节点,那么首先处理子节点
if (cur.child) {
const childLast = dfs(cur.child);
next = cur.next;
// 将 node 与 child 相连
cur.next = cur.child;
cur.child.prev = cur;
// 如果 next 不为空,就将 last 与 next 相连
if (next != null) {
childLast.next = next;
next.prev = childLast;
// 将 child 置为空
cur.child = null;
last = childLast;
} else {
last = cur;
cur = next;
return last;
return head;